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Copywriting for social media

How hard can it be? After all, it's all very informal, and it's only a sentence or so at a time...

We've all seen businesses which present well on Facebook or Twitter... and others which present badly.


One important factor which distinguishes social media from most other online activity is that it's broadcast (whereas people have to come to your website), and people can share or retweet what you say at the press of a button.


So when it's good, it's good... but when it's bad, it's horrid. When things go wrong on social media, they go very wrong, very quickly, and very, very publicly. And that means you should think twice and then twice more before you get stuck in.


So why not ask for help from a professional? An experienced copywriter will have seen what works, what doesn't, and what could go wrong... they'll also help you look at your whole social-media strategy, not just the words you choose to broadcast.







When businesses don't use social media well...


© bangyourowndrum & Nicola David 2015 - senior copywriter

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